Having completed the proof that the theory of evolution by natural selection is a violation of the second law of thermodynamics, there is a Creator. The question follows naturally.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
King Solomon wrote "there is a time for everything under heaven".. and this has often seemed to be the case for the really big ideas or movements in human history. From stone to copper, bronze, iron and eventually the accidental discovery of steel, mark material technology advancements along the human journey. These new materials enabled us to create new machines from better ploughs to printing presses, the internal combustion engine, road and rail transport and the aeroplane. Two things stand out to me.. the first is that it is a journey through ever increasing knowledge and technology.. and the second it didn't take long. All of human history occurred within 6 thousand years. It took a mere 66 years to go from the Wright Brothers first powered flight in 1903 to the moon in 1969!
We are each dealt a set of cards when we are born.. where, when, to which family, with what resources.. wealth, property, education, personal traits, intelligences, strengths and weaknesses. Some of us also get to live long enough to play some of those cards.. some don't.. we are governed by the circumstances in which we find ourselves. Whoever we are those circumstances were not of our choosing. My father survived the second world war as a tank driver from 1939.. through Dunkirk, D-Day to 1945.. his two brothers did not. One shot in Burma fighting the Japanese and one blown out of his Lancaster on just his fourth raid as a navigator, fighting the Germans. To date I have had both German and Japanese friends, I am positive about them, their countries, including their history and their technology. My war hero would be Captain Lansdorf of the German pocket battleship Graff Spee.. he sunk 50,000 tons of allied shipping without killing a single allied merchant sailor. All the allied merchant captains he took from their ships before sinking them went to his funeral in Montevideo after his suicide. He played his cards honourably, his way in spite of a rough deal.
This blog goes backwards for a simple reason.. its a journey with a beginning and an end and you must start at the beginning. Its my journey but it has some painfully relevant truths for others who may be tempted to ask the same questions. Its not for the faint of heart.. for if you choose to follow my lead here you may also take a parallel journey.. which could cost you heaps.. we all have truth we don't want to know.. my advice.. try to keep that list as small as possible. If I fail to deeply offend both religious and secular readers I will have done a bad job.
Have a nice day
2.0 Why Now
The question “Who is God” may only be asked if you know God actually exists.. ie you have a verifiable means of concluding that. Well that was the whole purpose of “The God Law”.. apart from some technical appendices I will be adding, the 'proof' is complete.. Design without a Designer is falsified and we have a Designer. The naturalists have had 150 years or more to keep God out of science behind an ever growing mountain of publications, papers, books and articles and freedom in the media. It seemed only natural, after the political idea of the separation of church and state (as late as JFK), why not in science? It works well for most science, only the very remotest edges of scientific enquiry suggest the slightest possibility of the supernatural, (like what caused the Big Bang Singularity), and even these can apparently be theorised without the need for the supernatural. So what's the point? It will surely just create an unnecessary metaphysical mess! Well I very much respect all those in science who under the 'secular assumption' have and continue to pursue 'truth', for that is the purpose of science.. think about it. Alas for a certain significant group that is no longer the case, and has not been since about the time of the discovery of the structure of the DNA molecule in 1953. That is a most unfortunate and decidedly bad outcome for science, but more so for you if you have been caught up with it. Well the time for the rule of secular naturalism in science and Western education is over. A proof is like a death.. and just like the end of phlogiston, force at a distance, spontaneous generation and the geocentric solar system, so it will be for evolution by natural selection, its time has come!
Now create means more than just make. You can make an existing design but you create something new by writing a new specification. That is precisely what evolution cannot do. However before manufacturing a design important decisions have to be made.. What materials are needed and from what source? What tools or machines are required? How many to make? Where? What quality standard? We do that in a planning process. Only then can the manufacturing process begin. Why am I going on about all that? Simple.. DNA carries all the instructions for doing the same for the design, planning and manufacture of life.. all technology works like this be it human technology or biotechnology.
If as asserted the DNA molecule was designed.. it follows that the designer not only knows about technology but must be capable of implementing it. So for each DNA 'family' so designed (eg cats, horses).. the designer must also have physically created the initial, mutation free pair. The mystery of the origin of life is no longer a total mystery.
Basis of all technology:
Have a nice day
3.0 Who Am I
I am an Australian but like many Aussies I came from somewhere else.. specifically Barnsley, Yorkshire UK 1959 at age 10. I remember browsing through Arthur Mee's Children’s Encyclopaedia, spellbound at the history of humanity and our technology and the question about the existence of God. We left the books in England but the wonder and hunger to know stuck fast. After some creative efforts with model aeroplanes at Liverpool Boy's High School (Sydney) I wanted to be an airline pilot.. but I was out gunned, too many good guys (quick thinking, confident types). In spite of me and my Yugoslav mate blowing ourselves up with the aid of stolen chemistry gear, I still wanted to pursue a career in aviation technology. I ended up doing a degree in Aeronautical Engineering at UNSW and notwithstanding an interlude of 18 months in Her Majesty's Royal Australian Army, I graduated in 1972. I didn't go to Vietnam but I did meet God..
I think there is a price to pay for not pursuing truth. Take the terrible natural disasters of flood, fire, earthquake etc. If the victims had known and understood even one single truth about the coming catastrophe and acted appropriately they would not have died. The time and strength of earthquakes and tsunamis is not knowable but in some other cases it is. Like with the rumblings of Mt Vesuvius, if the inhabitants of Pompeii had known the truth about what a volcanic eruption could do they could have escaped. If we had known the truth about asthma in Oct 1988 our ten year old daughter Ruth would not have died. I was called up in 1969 during the Vietnam conflict and it was at that time that I determined to settle the question about God once and for all. Who is he, what if anything had he to do with my life, my time? Silence would have been a definite nothing..
I asked three questions in strict privacy and arrogantly demanded a written answer on a single sheet of paper with a diagram. The three questions were as follows:
- Where does evil or my sense of it come from?
- Do I have to wear a cassock?
- Is there anything after death?
The second has to do with my brother and myself being drafted into the local Anglican Church choir at about 9 and bears on the question of the meaning of all religious apparel and ritual. All I know is after about two weeks I had that piece of paper in my hand. The man who wrote it out had a bible in his hand and he answered the questions clearly not having the foggiest idea of my private arrangement with God. I had to think long and hard about it all.
Have a really nice day..
4.0 The God Law
Yes I am a theist.. so was Charles Darwin.! I hope you will understand however that my journey to theism was because I wanted to know the truth about things and not because of any of the reasons Richard Dawkins rightly states are "bad reasons to believe"..
[ref: 'A Devils Chaplain' by Richard Dawkins Ch 7 A Prayer for my Daughter] in which he concludes three bad reasons to believe anything are;
1. Tradition.. something we always believe
2. Authority.. someone too important to question said it
3. Revelation.. meaning a thought without any corroborating evidence
So truth is vital in this context and the reason for this particular blog. The God Law is the poof that evolution theory is completely falsified by a law of thermodynamics called the Second Law. The direct implication being there exists an infinite mind outside of the universe who created it.. hence the title 'The God Law'. In scientific circles we are now in a fairly lonely place.
A proof in science is like a death it means a number of other propositions are not true. Someone said we cannot 'prove' anything in science only 'disprove' theories. Please understand my aim is truth.. however confronting or painful that may be
That God exists and must be a Creator of incomprehensible wisdom.. is science's Rubicon.! I am calling this creator 'God' simply by appeal to Okum's Razor.. its the simplest.. as it accords with a the vast majority of theists.
So what is truth.? Pilate's question to Jesus was somewhat rhetorical but mainly concerned his legal position. I want a scientific one.. It was only touched on in 'The God Law' but now we must take a closer look.. next time.
Have a nice day
5.0 Truth and Reality
I have a presentation in the form of a Powerpoint Chart called 'The Truth - Confidence Chart'. It has a horizontal axis upon which the strength of evidence is scaled (-ve being contrary, zero, none and positive an increasing number of favorable observations). The vertical scale is confidence down being negative and decreasing confidence, up goes to 100% being total confidence.. (I also include the possibility of greater than 100% being over confident). On the chart I plot a 'normal' curve from very small evidence and low confidence to very high evidence and accordingly high confidence. Being asymptotic to two axes at right angles it approximates a hyperbola.. but I do not go as far as to put any 'formula' on it.
Science by definition operates in the low evidence low confidence regime.. ie in its investigative stage (which I would argue is its normal state). By the time theories get established and the favorable observations are high and the confidence is correspondingly high you are in to the realm of Engineering not science. I would also go as far as to say that by the time some piece of 'knowledge' is at the stage of being independently verified and has no contrary observations it would be called 'truth'. Since we will never know 'absolute truth' there will always be some uncertainty however small. Newtons equations of motion reached this point.. perfectly acceptable as 'true' but turned out not to be the end point of the inquiry. That is they were not complete even though reliable within the human experience of velocity.
So I identify at least two types of truth..
1. Absolute truth (not attainable)
2. General truth (independently verified knowledge)
The latter is clearly the stuff of science and engineering but what other kinds of truth are there.?
I set out a by telling some of my story.. its perfectly true, but I could not verify it to anyone else.. so lets call that..
3. Personal truth (verified by personal experience but only to myself)
Is there any other class of truth.? You may have heard the term 'Deep Time'.. referring to the pre-history of the universe before we existed, (14 billion years according to Big Bang theory). Something totally outside human experience.. not open to direct measurement. I want to introduce the concept of 'Deep Truth', also meaning truth not open to direct verification.. next time.
Have a nice day
5.1 Truth and Reality
I am going to gather seemingly unanswerable questions under 'Deep Truth'. They are often intuitive like "Why are we here?".. but at the end of every long line of tough scientific work they are there. The story of our knowledge of gravity is a good example. Until Isaac Newton it was a vaguely defined 'force'. After Newton published the Principia we knew it was an attracting acceleration caused by mass. Even after Albert Einstein's curved space, Newton's Law still worked for space travel. Then came the accelerating expansion of the whole universe, which everyone knew had to be slowing down didn't it? So what was causing the acceleration? We invented 'dark energy' to make gravity repulsive on a very large scale.. and we are almost back where we were before Newton! Particle physicists were also asking the question what gives matter 'mass' and hence the source of gravity. The Higgs Boson looks like the answer but what actually is a Higgs Boson? We might as well ask what is an electron? Not only do we not know but according to Werner Heisenberg we will never know.
Take the unpredictability of a dripping tap or the orbits of three gravitationally bound objects in space.. they are in a state of 'chaos' meaning totally unpredictable.. but why? Thermodynamics was born out of the industrial revolution and gave us the theoretical basis for the efficient conversion of fuel to kinetic energy but what is energy? It is a fact of life that whatever questions we answer leads to more questions ending up with ultimate questions which we don't know if we can answer. Such questions suggest an answer which deeply engages our concept of reality. Quantum theory and string theory have raised questions about the meaning of 'reality'.. and the possibility that what we perceive is only part of a much bigger reality. At this point we are entitled to ask are all the cards on the table?
Evolution as an upward process to greater complexity is falsified (see the God Law). We therefore know that life had a complex not a simple beginning! An inescapable result of the Second Law for all natural processes. Applying the same law to the formation of stars and galaxies.. like cosmic sandcastles on a cosmic beach made from cosmic sand (hydrogen). We get exactly the same answer.. Sir Fred Hoyle said that a big bang only produces an adiabatic expansion and is as dead as doornail. So the creator of life must also be the creator of the complex universe in which he decided to put it. God is an infinite mind outside the universe.. a deep truth.
Please stay with me, leave galaxies, we must ask a very important question; Is there any relationship between these different truths.? Next time
Have a nice day
5.2 Truth and Reality
So there it is we've got: Absolute Truth, General Truth, Personal Truth and Deep Truth.. and what links them all.? Well to begin.. they are all expressing something that is true.. call it an 'actuality' or essential component of our 'reality'. Not only do they all express the same thing each one implies the other.. General truth is only possible because each scientist doing the same experiment experiences the same personal truth. Many Deep truth questions were asked long before the arduous scientific work in an attempt to answer them.. Who are we? Where did we come from? Why are we here? Some will say there are no answers or everyone's answer will be different.. both tantamount to saying "there is no such thing as truth". I reject that but freely acknowledge I must first BELIEVE there are answers BEFORE I can even begin to ask the questions.. so TRUTH itself is RECURSIVE!! I simply must quote the Bible at this point..
Heb 11:6 "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him."
Well if you read 'The God Law' you will be aware that "Faith' is an essential component of truth because we will never be in a position of absolute knowledge. So if I could put a diagram to this.. I would draw three circles of the same size all intersecting one another with an area in the centre common to all three.. attempting to convey a deep and persistent relationship between all types of truth. So lets have a closer look at this 'Deep Truth'. Firstly what areas of life does it encompass.?
Mathematics is done in the realm of logic where truth and proofs are of the general kind. Although we can explain quite well why division by zero gives an incomprehensible number.. infinity.. we know we are well and truly over the edge when by the same rules we prove some infinities are bigger than others. As well as negative numbers we have irrational numbers, transcendental numbers (like pie) and even imaginary numbers. The Romans did not even have a zero! Some questions can be proven to be unanswerable.. deep truth indeed.
So what of other realms.. physics, chemistry, law, biology etc?
Next time.. do have a lovely day
Heb 11:6 "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him."
Well if you read 'The God Law' you will be aware that "Faith' is an essential component of truth because we will never be in a position of absolute knowledge. So if I could put a diagram to this.. I would draw three circles of the same size all intersecting one another with an area in the centre common to all three.. attempting to convey a deep and persistent relationship between all types of truth. So lets have a closer look at this 'Deep Truth'. Firstly what areas of life does it encompass.?
Mathematics is done in the realm of logic where truth and proofs are of the general kind. Although we can explain quite well why division by zero gives an incomprehensible number.. infinity.. we know we are well and truly over the edge when by the same rules we prove some infinities are bigger than others. As well as negative numbers we have irrational numbers, transcendental numbers (like pie) and even imaginary numbers. The Romans did not even have a zero! Some questions can be proven to be unanswerable.. deep truth indeed.
So what of other realms.. physics, chemistry, law, biology etc?
Next time.. do have a lovely day
5.3 Truth and Reality
Please bear with me a little on the subject of 'Deep Truth'..
So in law there are terms which the legal profession refuses to 'define'.. like 'deceptive conduct'.. instead they are left to the judgement of a reasonable person. To define such terms literally is just too limiting.. does that mean we have understanding which we cannot adequately express in written form? In law when we require a credible public commitment from a person to tell the truth we do it on the basis of their 'faith'.. in whatever they hold dearest.. and that does not include any other mortal.. it's either God or Self.
In social and family relationships we only need ask about the meaning of love to open the most enigmatic subject surrounded by deep mystery.. without it we die is that a deep truth? I cannot hope to cover the social sphere but the problem of evil has to be mentioned.. its a purely human thing.. but what is it? Where does it come from and why are we as easily capable of evil as of good? Are their evil people or are we all just as capable.. and in some way culpable?
In physics its not difficult to see with the need to invent dark energy, dark matter or super tiny strings in 10 dimensions etc.. the truth is indeed very deep and elusive.. but we must seek it.
It does not matter what area of knowledge you pick.. that truth exists and can be discovered is a given but as the verified knowledge base grows so do the questions. Questions come from the presumption of an answer.. "the truth is out there", so we are not only entitled but compelled to ask if there is a God, who is he?. So the question arises.. How far can we go in in this quest? I now need to introduce a new principle concerning truth.. next time.
Have a very good day..
So in law there are terms which the legal profession refuses to 'define'.. like 'deceptive conduct'.. instead they are left to the judgement of a reasonable person. To define such terms literally is just too limiting.. does that mean we have understanding which we cannot adequately express in written form? In law when we require a credible public commitment from a person to tell the truth we do it on the basis of their 'faith'.. in whatever they hold dearest.. and that does not include any other mortal.. it's either God or Self.
In social and family relationships we only need ask about the meaning of love to open the most enigmatic subject surrounded by deep mystery.. without it we die is that a deep truth? I cannot hope to cover the social sphere but the problem of evil has to be mentioned.. its a purely human thing.. but what is it? Where does it come from and why are we as easily capable of evil as of good? Are their evil people or are we all just as capable.. and in some way culpable?
In physics its not difficult to see with the need to invent dark energy, dark matter or super tiny strings in 10 dimensions etc.. the truth is indeed very deep and elusive.. but we must seek it.
It does not matter what area of knowledge you pick.. that truth exists and can be discovered is a given but as the verified knowledge base grows so do the questions. Questions come from the presumption of an answer.. "the truth is out there", so we are not only entitled but compelled to ask if there is a God, who is he?. So the question arises.. How far can we go in in this quest? I now need to introduce a new principle concerning truth.. next time.
Have a very good day..
5.4 Truth and Reality
I previously mentioned my "Truth - Confidence" diagram.. relating truth to evidence.. it's pretty obvious that evidence is a key component of what we choose to call 'truth'. Evidence comes in the form of verified observations which may be in favour, against or neutral to our hypothesis or idea. Among other things 'verification' implies the observation must be available to others. The following may be concluded:
1. It only takes one verified contrary observation to falsify a theory.
2. To establish a truth we need a number of favourable observations.
3. The truth we are trying to establish is therefore linked to or connected to a number of other 'smaller truths' making up the total body of evidence.
That last point has a deep meaning for 'truth' in general..
And this last statement has implications. I used the term 'smaller' in regard to some truth.. what I meant was simpler, common, easily verified observations. So the path of seeking truth goes from the simple to the more complex.. no matter what the subject or where we start the general 'logical' direction is the same.. big deal.. so what you may say. Wouldn't that be obvious anyway. Ok but what about this.. 'hypothesis' (for now).
There exists an ULTIMATE TRUTH to which ALL TRUTH finally leads..!
Its not so far removed from Einstein's 'Theory of Everything' idea.. but very much broader than the materialist allows us to think. Have a think about it.. more to come.. next time.
Do have very good day..
1. It only takes one verified contrary observation to falsify a theory.
2. To establish a truth we need a number of favourable observations.
3. The truth we are trying to establish is therefore linked to or connected to a number of other 'smaller truths' making up the total body of evidence.
That last point has a deep meaning for 'truth' in general..
And this last statement has implications. I used the term 'smaller' in regard to some truth.. what I meant was simpler, common, easily verified observations. So the path of seeking truth goes from the simple to the more complex.. no matter what the subject or where we start the general 'logical' direction is the same.. big deal.. so what you may say. Wouldn't that be obvious anyway. Ok but what about this.. 'hypothesis' (for now).
There exists an ULTIMATE TRUTH to which ALL TRUTH finally leads..!
Its not so far removed from Einstein's 'Theory of Everything' idea.. but very much broader than the materialist allows us to think. Have a think about it.. more to come.. next time.
Do have very good day..
5.5 Truth and Reality
The point about an 'ultimate truth' depends very much on a persons sense of reality and what to them constitutes 'truth'. Leaving absolute truth I have described three broad classes of truth which I hope by simple observation you will appreciate do exist.
Your reality is how you perceive the universe around you and interpret your experience of it. You are a self conscious identity who also presents an identity to all around you. Human beings have three 'realms' of existence in which we have an identity or presence. The physical, the moral (your values) and the spiritual (not easily defined) and these reflect the three classes of truth because your concept of reality is directly implied by your concept of truth. So we have..
GENERAL Truth <- - - - - - - - - -> PHYSICAL
PERSONAL Truth <- - - - - - - - - -> MORAL
DEEP Truth <- - - - - - - - - -> SPIRITUAL
We are all familiar with the first, less so the second and the third would have to range from imperceptible to overwhelming depending upon who you are. These are not rigid equals signs but general indicators of where our experience of truth generally engages with us. I am saying you have a physical identity, a moral identity and a spiritual identity which are essential to your understanding of truth and thus your concept of reality.
Now to my second hypothesis.. hinging upon the above and the obvious, if something is true then a lot of other things are not true. Some of those other things are also lies. I mean deliberately contrived alternatives to truth with the purpose to deceive. Moral failings are a reality.. and like truth..
There is an ULTIMATE LIE.. next time
Do have a very special day
5.6 Truth and Reality
The difference between truth and lies in terms of the foregoing is this.. Truth already exists all we do is discover it. Lies on the other hand are a product of human minds.. we invent them as we go. Using the 'associated' evidence idea it may be easy to see how truths are all connected.. but how so for lies.? Well for this we have to look at the real implication of living in time.!
Time has a direction and the direction in which time goes is the direction of energy dissipation or cooling down (increasing entropy in the universe if you like.. ref Einstein and Hawking). Which also means the physical universe works on the principle of cause and effect.. every physical action is recorded in the future motion of atoms affected by that action. This idea has big implications.. every physical action is 'recorded' in the resulting physical state of the universe. That includes every thought you have or every word you speak as well as what you do. So what does that have to do with lies being connected together?
We lie in order to hide truth.. once started it not only requires other lies, ending up in some sort of debacle with flow on effects.. lies damage the mind of the person in a deep less obvious way. They have offended their designed (implied by a creator), (not natural), moral character. Nature knows nothing about lies. Deliberate hiding or rejection of truth is actually joining a grand conspiracy of evil with the ultimate goal.. to usurp the ultimate truth. Consider this.
Physical matter.. opposite.. anti matter
Positive.. opposite.. negative
Love.. opposite.. hate
Good.. opposite.. evil
Truth.. opposite.. lie (does not include all that is not true)
This may surprise you..
The ULTIMATE TRUTH and the ULTIMATE LIE are the same phrase!
Best have a cuppa..
Time has a direction and the direction in which time goes is the direction of energy dissipation or cooling down (increasing entropy in the universe if you like.. ref Einstein and Hawking). Which also means the physical universe works on the principle of cause and effect.. every physical action is recorded in the future motion of atoms affected by that action. This idea has big implications.. every physical action is 'recorded' in the resulting physical state of the universe. That includes every thought you have or every word you speak as well as what you do. So what does that have to do with lies being connected together?
We lie in order to hide truth.. once started it not only requires other lies, ending up in some sort of debacle with flow on effects.. lies damage the mind of the person in a deep less obvious way. They have offended their designed (implied by a creator), (not natural), moral character. Nature knows nothing about lies. Deliberate hiding or rejection of truth is actually joining a grand conspiracy of evil with the ultimate goal.. to usurp the ultimate truth. Consider this.
Physical matter.. opposite.. anti matter
Positive.. opposite.. negative
Love.. opposite.. hate
Good.. opposite.. evil
Truth.. opposite.. lie (does not include all that is not true)
This may surprise you..
The ULTIMATE TRUTH and the ULTIMATE LIE are the same phrase!
Best have a cuppa..
5.7 Truth and Reality
Listen you are only getting the very barest outline here of what has been for me a lifetime journey.. If I get around to writing the book I will include all the illustrations, references and examples.. I just need to tell you about it now.
Science is a human activity and is ultimately about the meaning of the whole of life. As resolutely as materialists may try, it cannot be confined within the physical realm isolated from the moral and spiritual forces with which we all have to deal on a daily basis. Was the design and production of Zyklon B just a job in science? Truth is much more than just the logical T or F alternatives.. how we handle it has a moral direction and powerful implications. There is a lot of truth you don't want to know.. some truth will save your life and some will hurt you.. its not 'flexible' and it won't move aside for you. The bible says this..
2 Cor 13:8 "we can do nothing against the truth"
Because of the 'design' principle moral good not only has a source but also a purpose or destination. We should not be surprised the same goes for 'evil'. As a result our handling of truth has a moral direction, lies move us in the opposite moral direction to a different end. We write, sing and act the great story of good versus evil and it strikes chords deep within us. We like good to win in the end.. yes?
Only a mind can do good or evil, tell the truth or lie.. nature knows nothing about this. I revealed that modern secular science has been deceived by a few theophobic materialists into believing that semantic information (DNA) can arise from the random motion of molecules and atoms when someone knows it cannot. Is that a great evil or what? Here's where it gets messy..
While on the subject of truth.. we must also talk about ignorance..
Have a fantastic day
Science is a human activity and is ultimately about the meaning of the whole of life. As resolutely as materialists may try, it cannot be confined within the physical realm isolated from the moral and spiritual forces with which we all have to deal on a daily basis. Was the design and production of Zyklon B just a job in science? Truth is much more than just the logical T or F alternatives.. how we handle it has a moral direction and powerful implications. There is a lot of truth you don't want to know.. some truth will save your life and some will hurt you.. its not 'flexible' and it won't move aside for you. The bible says this..
2 Cor 13:8 "we can do nothing against the truth"
Because of the 'design' principle moral good not only has a source but also a purpose or destination. We should not be surprised the same goes for 'evil'. As a result our handling of truth has a moral direction, lies move us in the opposite moral direction to a different end. We write, sing and act the great story of good versus evil and it strikes chords deep within us. We like good to win in the end.. yes?
Only a mind can do good or evil, tell the truth or lie.. nature knows nothing about this. I revealed that modern secular science has been deceived by a few theophobic materialists into believing that semantic information (DNA) can arise from the random motion of molecules and atoms when someone knows it cannot. Is that a great evil or what? Here's where it gets messy..
While on the subject of truth.. we must also talk about ignorance..
Have a fantastic day
6.0 The Place of Ignorance
Ignorance is not a lie.. however feigning ignorance is.. In law you are responsible for what (truth) you know which has relevance to an illegal act. Leaders in all types of organisations are aware, there is knowledge best not to know. Well aware of this, Hitler never put his extermination orders in writing.
Religious mythologies play an important roll.. fantastic stories that capture the imagination particularly of the young.. they are a valuable teaching tool for both cultural and universal moral values. Religion is integral to and tightly bound up with culture. It provides for holidays, public festivals and celebrations. Santa Claus and the Rainbow Serpent do not have to be true.. but allow a story to be told creating mystery and some fun.. depending upon who we are.. they insulate (and protects) us from otherwise confronting too much truth or admitting too much ignorance.. That's not a bad thing at all. It has its place and it in no way needs to get in the way of your search for truth.. whoever you are.
Well in the 6000 year journey of human knowledge, ignorance played a rather important part. Thankfully the machine gun, bombers, artillery, land mines, poison gas and atomic bombs were confined, as far as megalomaniacs and despotic leaders were concerned anyway to the bloody 20th century. It doesn't bear contemplating what Genghis Kahn would have done with machine guns or Adolf Hitler with the atomic bomb! I think you get my drift.
The God Law was a proof, exposing a general truth (life did not evolve). What I am saying here is largely from my personal experience (personal truth).. However you like me have a list of truth you don't want to know.. Take care how you proceed.. the knowledge of God is both wonderful and dangerous.. King David..
2 Sam 6:9 "then David was afraid of the Lord.." and..
Psalm 111:10 "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom"
Have a fulfilling day..
Religious mythologies play an important roll.. fantastic stories that capture the imagination particularly of the young.. they are a valuable teaching tool for both cultural and universal moral values. Religion is integral to and tightly bound up with culture. It provides for holidays, public festivals and celebrations. Santa Claus and the Rainbow Serpent do not have to be true.. but allow a story to be told creating mystery and some fun.. depending upon who we are.. they insulate (and protects) us from otherwise confronting too much truth or admitting too much ignorance.. That's not a bad thing at all. It has its place and it in no way needs to get in the way of your search for truth.. whoever you are.
Well in the 6000 year journey of human knowledge, ignorance played a rather important part. Thankfully the machine gun, bombers, artillery, land mines, poison gas and atomic bombs were confined, as far as megalomaniacs and despotic leaders were concerned anyway to the bloody 20th century. It doesn't bear contemplating what Genghis Kahn would have done with machine guns or Adolf Hitler with the atomic bomb! I think you get my drift.
The God Law was a proof, exposing a general truth (life did not evolve). What I am saying here is largely from my personal experience (personal truth).. However you like me have a list of truth you don't want to know.. Take care how you proceed.. the knowledge of God is both wonderful and dangerous.. King David..
2 Sam 6:9 "then David was afraid of the Lord.." and..
Psalm 111:10 "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom"
Have a fulfilling day..
6.1 The Place of Ignorance
You are here I would hope because you do want to know something about God.. something that's true and just might have significance for your life.. Pain suffering and death are an unfortunate but real part of life.. A lot of the great religious an philosophical theories about life are aimed at addressing the question of how to live through such events successfully.. or perhaps with the least negative outcome. I have had my fair share.. but I still count myself to be very fortunate.
When we plug God (creator of everything) into the picture we are faced with a conundrum.. By definition God is 'all' powerful.. but is God love and goodness? Why all the pain and suffering? If religion is so great why do religious people have such a bad reputation often being the very cause of pain suffering and death? Well as in science the best answer is the simplest.. one word.. SOVEREIGNTY.. your ability to choose.. we are the teenager who has been given the car keys.
Let me now give you what I think is the greatest statement ever written.. it is in the bible.
Jeremiah 9:23,24 "This is what the Lord says:
Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom
or the strong man boast of his strength
or the rich man boast of his riches
but let him who boasts boast about this
that he understands and knows me,
that I am the Lord who exercises kindness,
justice and righteousness on earth,
for in these I delight, declares the Lord."
All I can say about this is for me personally it has been true.. it is the most incredible open invitation by God himself to get on the inside.. to know deep truth about God.. 'the secrets of the kingdom of God'. This is not a general truth that I may prove to you.. its only available as personal truth.. its your choice whether or not to take the journey.
Have a very good day
When we plug God (creator of everything) into the picture we are faced with a conundrum.. By definition God is 'all' powerful.. but is God love and goodness? Why all the pain and suffering? If religion is so great why do religious people have such a bad reputation often being the very cause of pain suffering and death? Well as in science the best answer is the simplest.. one word.. SOVEREIGNTY.. your ability to choose.. we are the teenager who has been given the car keys.
Let me now give you what I think is the greatest statement ever written.. it is in the bible.
Jeremiah 9:23,24 "This is what the Lord says:
Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom
or the strong man boast of his strength
or the rich man boast of his riches
but let him who boasts boast about this
that he understands and knows me,
that I am the Lord who exercises kindness,
justice and righteousness on earth,
for in these I delight, declares the Lord."
All I can say about this is for me personally it has been true.. it is the most incredible open invitation by God himself to get on the inside.. to know deep truth about God.. 'the secrets of the kingdom of God'. This is not a general truth that I may prove to you.. its only available as personal truth.. its your choice whether or not to take the journey.
Have a very good day
6.2 The Place of Ignorance
You may stay in the place of ignorance if you wish.. but of this I can assure you.. If you do not choose to seek to understand God.. you will never truly understand yourself.. or know who you are. Even religious people have difficulty knowing who they are spiritually. Remember you have three identities.. physical.. moral and spiritual. Tracking through the bible you'll see all the big names like Abraham, Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Elijah, John the Baptist.. did not really know who they were spiritually after a lifetime of service to God. Its a very long journey.. if you are going to start.. don't wait!
If there is an ultimate lie.. it follows.. there is an ultimate lier. we know both good and evil are the product of a mind. The universe is the product of an infinite mind.. it even has within it.. many singularities or infinities.. we grapple with them all the time. However the ultimate liar cannot be infinite or of equal infinity to God otherwise there would be no hope. We live on in hope in spite of tragedies and catastrophes which unfold around us because we were designed to hope. Life has a resilient quality which applies in all three areas.. physical, moral and spiritual. It is most unfortunate that today our secular education curriculum, governed by Atheism fails abysmally because it has no moral foundation because it has no God. Without a moral foundation we are going the way all prior failed civilisations.. only this time its global. All based on what.. science has disproved God.. a lie!
I have used the bible freely with strong assumptions about who God is, based on that text. Well I would ask you to consider this.. my blog on this subject comes from and is very firmly based on the 'proof' that the universe and all life was created complex.. a starting condition of minimum entropy.. the most complex state it will ever be in. That means no mutations etc. By the second law its downhill all the way from there.. this is known science!
The point about the bible's relevance is simply this.. It is the only ancient text of any veracity which not only consistently asserts that to be the case but fills in important, sometimes verifiable, detail. Next time.
Do have a great day
If there is an ultimate lie.. it follows.. there is an ultimate lier. we know both good and evil are the product of a mind. The universe is the product of an infinite mind.. it even has within it.. many singularities or infinities.. we grapple with them all the time. However the ultimate liar cannot be infinite or of equal infinity to God otherwise there would be no hope. We live on in hope in spite of tragedies and catastrophes which unfold around us because we were designed to hope. Life has a resilient quality which applies in all three areas.. physical, moral and spiritual. It is most unfortunate that today our secular education curriculum, governed by Atheism fails abysmally because it has no moral foundation because it has no God. Without a moral foundation we are going the way all prior failed civilisations.. only this time its global. All based on what.. science has disproved God.. a lie!
I have used the bible freely with strong assumptions about who God is, based on that text. Well I would ask you to consider this.. my blog on this subject comes from and is very firmly based on the 'proof' that the universe and all life was created complex.. a starting condition of minimum entropy.. the most complex state it will ever be in. That means no mutations etc. By the second law its downhill all the way from there.. this is known science!
The point about the bible's relevance is simply this.. It is the only ancient text of any veracity which not only consistently asserts that to be the case but fills in important, sometimes verifiable, detail. Next time.
Do have a great day
6.3 The Place of Ignorance
We must leave the place of ignorance.. this blog is not about ignorance. I need to say a bit more about my experience. In 1969 I did not know the bible said..
Ps 94:9 "Does he who implanted the ear not hear?
Does he who formed the eye not see?" and by analogy.. speak.. well he did to me! wow.. how
Simply this.. I had just arrived home to my flat in Sth Melbourne on an evening in 1975. I did not hear an audible voice but I received a very clear communication.. I was told to get on my knees and pray for my brother.
It was very clear so I just shut the door and did what I was told.
Now my brother was in a band playing in Germany at the time..
This happened three evenings in a row.. On the third evening the 'voice' said it was ok.. my brother was saved! I knew then he had changed his mind about God. He had joined all those redeemed by accepting Jesus death on the cross as payment for his sin. We had no communication and I did not know he had been put in goal. A few days later I received a letter from him (the first I had ever received) it said "I've given up.. I'm going your way"..
It will mean little to you as I am well aware it is just my personal story.. but it is true. I am a rational person and all I can say is it is part of my story. Have I seen miracles.? My grandmother was diagnosed with incurable Parkinson's disease sometime after she had revived her faith following my experience in 1969.. She heard about weekly faith healing services at the Anglican Cathedral in Sydney and just went along.. several times.. I suppose it was about a month or so after she goes for a medical check and she no longer had Parkinson's disease.. so why doesn't God give me the Powerball numbers..?
The simple answer..
There is a plan.. its not in the plan.. (more later)
So we have a problem.. our Sovereignty vs God's Sovereignty.
Erwin Schroedinger wrote "What is Life" 1944 about this very thing..
in it he concludes "WE ARE GOD".. (I could have agreed before I actually met God in 1969).
Do take care
Ps 94:9 "Does he who implanted the ear not hear?
Does he who formed the eye not see?" and by analogy.. speak.. well he did to me! wow.. how
Simply this.. I had just arrived home to my flat in Sth Melbourne on an evening in 1975. I did not hear an audible voice but I received a very clear communication.. I was told to get on my knees and pray for my brother.
It was very clear so I just shut the door and did what I was told.
Now my brother was in a band playing in Germany at the time..
This happened three evenings in a row.. On the third evening the 'voice' said it was ok.. my brother was saved! I knew then he had changed his mind about God. He had joined all those redeemed by accepting Jesus death on the cross as payment for his sin. We had no communication and I did not know he had been put in goal. A few days later I received a letter from him (the first I had ever received) it said "I've given up.. I'm going your way"..
It will mean little to you as I am well aware it is just my personal story.. but it is true. I am a rational person and all I can say is it is part of my story. Have I seen miracles.? My grandmother was diagnosed with incurable Parkinson's disease sometime after she had revived her faith following my experience in 1969.. She heard about weekly faith healing services at the Anglican Cathedral in Sydney and just went along.. several times.. I suppose it was about a month or so after she goes for a medical check and she no longer had Parkinson's disease.. so why doesn't God give me the Powerball numbers..?
The simple answer..
There is a plan.. its not in the plan.. (more later)
So we have a problem.. our Sovereignty vs God's Sovereignty.
Erwin Schroedinger wrote "What is Life" 1944 about this very thing..
in it he concludes "WE ARE GOD".. (I could have agreed before I actually met God in 1969).
Do take care
7.0 The Trouble with God
Theists (like Atheists) have a few confronting problems..
(1) The existence of evil..
(if God created everything he must be responsible for it)
(2) Do we really have free will or is the whole universe predetermined.?
(Einstein was firmly convinced it was the latter.. God does not play dice)
(3) General state of Ignorance about God
(If God is so big and powerful why is he considered of little relevance today)
(4) If the Bible is the 'Word of God' why is it not fully comprehensible?
There's more but these will do for now.. I previously touched on some but now I need to confront them head on. So in keeping with my 'rational' approach to 'Who is God' such questions must be explored before we can begin to talk about his 'identity'.. I'll start with the last first..
That God must be an infinite mind was concluded because the universe he created has infinities wherever we look.. from spectral frequencies, black hole singularities, the number of points between any two points in space to logical (mathematical) expressions of real things.. infinite numbers like Pi etc.
We will never comprehend infinity! Science is ok with the unknown but abhors the 'unknowable'. Scientist try to avoid them altogether.. its an unthinkable embarrassment.. why?
Because it means, contrary to what Erwin Schroedinger concluded..
WE ARE NOT GOD.. have a think about that.. personally.
When I was confronted with the reality of God in 1969 I had a choice.. either I was in charge of the universe or God was.. I decided to resign from the position.. it wasn't too difficult.. if a little humbling.
The bible is both ancient and diverse with about 40 authors but remains consistent about who is God..
Ps 93:2 "you existed before time began"
Is 57:17 "he dwells in eternity"
Is 55:8,9 "my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts"
By definition an infinite God is a 'Deep Truth'.. The fact that reality is not completely knowable was confirmed by Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle and the Incompleteness Theorems of Kurt Godel.
Have a superb day..
(1) The existence of evil..
(if God created everything he must be responsible for it)
(2) Do we really have free will or is the whole universe predetermined.?
(Einstein was firmly convinced it was the latter.. God does not play dice)
(3) General state of Ignorance about God
(If God is so big and powerful why is he considered of little relevance today)
(4) If the Bible is the 'Word of God' why is it not fully comprehensible?
There's more but these will do for now.. I previously touched on some but now I need to confront them head on. So in keeping with my 'rational' approach to 'Who is God' such questions must be explored before we can begin to talk about his 'identity'.. I'll start with the last first..
That God must be an infinite mind was concluded because the universe he created has infinities wherever we look.. from spectral frequencies, black hole singularities, the number of points between any two points in space to logical (mathematical) expressions of real things.. infinite numbers like Pi etc.
We will never comprehend infinity! Science is ok with the unknown but abhors the 'unknowable'. Scientist try to avoid them altogether.. its an unthinkable embarrassment.. why?
Because it means, contrary to what Erwin Schroedinger concluded..
WE ARE NOT GOD.. have a think about that.. personally.
When I was confronted with the reality of God in 1969 I had a choice.. either I was in charge of the universe or God was.. I decided to resign from the position.. it wasn't too difficult.. if a little humbling.
The bible is both ancient and diverse with about 40 authors but remains consistent about who is God..
Ps 93:2 "you existed before time began"
Is 57:17 "he dwells in eternity"
Is 55:8,9 "my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts"
By definition an infinite God is a 'Deep Truth'.. The fact that reality is not completely knowable was confirmed by Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle and the Incompleteness Theorems of Kurt Godel.
Have a superb day..
7.1 The Trouble with God
Science has in fact had to concede a number of truths the bible has consistently stated..
- the universe had a beginning..
- all humanity came from a single male and female..
- the number of stars in the sky is innumerable (about 3000 stars can be counted)..
- the earth is a ball hanging on nothing..
- in the beginning there was only one ocean meaning all the continents on earth were once joined in a single landmass..
- the existence of the Hittites..
- the existence of David and Solomon..
There's more but.. the laws of physics!
Heb 11:4 "It is by faith that we understand that the universe was created by God's word, so that what can be seen was made out of what cannot be seen"
First 'faith' in this context is not religious belief.. second like a lot of the bible there are two ways to read it.. the universe was made from invisible stuff or all that we see is made from what cannot be seen.. both agree with modern science. In the case of the latter what we see are surfaces made of very fast electrons.. which according to Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle we will never be able to see. This puts limits on observational science.
Rom 8:20 "the creation was subject to frustration.. in hope that the creation will be liberated from its bondage to decay". There is no better statement of the Second Law of thermodynamics anywhere. This puts limits on applied science.. It's like this..
1st law - there is a game
2nd law - you can't win
3rd law - you can't leave the game.. Hence the need for hope..
Napoleon said "Its not a book.. its a living thing".. which is what it says about itself Heb 4:12. Is it rational.. no its not.. its confronting.. for a reason.
Have a special day
- the universe had a beginning..
- all humanity came from a single male and female..
- the number of stars in the sky is innumerable (about 3000 stars can be counted)..
- the earth is a ball hanging on nothing..
- in the beginning there was only one ocean meaning all the continents on earth were once joined in a single landmass..
- the existence of the Hittites..
- the existence of David and Solomon..
There's more but.. the laws of physics!
Heb 11:4 "It is by faith that we understand that the universe was created by God's word, so that what can be seen was made out of what cannot be seen"
First 'faith' in this context is not religious belief.. second like a lot of the bible there are two ways to read it.. the universe was made from invisible stuff or all that we see is made from what cannot be seen.. both agree with modern science. In the case of the latter what we see are surfaces made of very fast electrons.. which according to Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle we will never be able to see. This puts limits on observational science.
Rom 8:20 "the creation was subject to frustration.. in hope that the creation will be liberated from its bondage to decay". There is no better statement of the Second Law of thermodynamics anywhere. This puts limits on applied science.. It's like this..
1st law - there is a game
2nd law - you can't win
3rd law - you can't leave the game.. Hence the need for hope..
Napoleon said "Its not a book.. its a living thing".. which is what it says about itself Heb 4:12. Is it rational.. no its not.. its confronting.. for a reason.
Have a special day
7.2 The Trouble with God
Its not the confusing, impossible, irrational, seemingly inconsistent bits of the bible which are the problem.. its the fantastic stories threaded with profound truths over so many subjects bearing on our understanding of who we are.
If we know God created the human brain (most complex assembly of matter in the universe - Hawking) and the bible is accepted as being in some way inspired by God (primary source with facts known only to God at the time of writing).. the only conclusion to be drawn is its difficulties are deliberate and purposeful and given who we are.. perhaps of necessity. Those confronting difficulties challenge all who will read it.. if you are seriously trying to understand the infinite God.. I suggest you pause and listen for "the voice of silence" (1 Kings 19:11,12).
So do we have free will?
In order to explore this question we must examine 'frames of reference'.. ie from what position are you observing events. All position and motion information in the universe is observed RELATIVE.. to the frame of reference of the observer. Frames of reference fall into two categories, simple or complex.. the latter are themselves rotating or accelerating.. they introduce 'fictitious' forces to be accounted for in the observations. The simplest are called 'inertial' frames of reference and they all relate to one another in a simple way.. and Newtons Laws work as written.
The conflict is captured in a single verse from the bible..
Mat 26:24 "The son of man will go as it is written" - PREDICTED..
"but woe to the man who betrays him" - HUMAN RESPONSIBILITY..?
Could Judas have changed his mind.?
The two views are from two entirely different frames of reference.. Do we have free will, YES.. (in our frame) Is there a plan, YES.. (in Gods frame). Can we change the plan.. MAYBE.. (Abraham and Hezekiah did). We cannot see the universe from God's frame of reference.. (unless God reveals it).. while we are free to choose.. there are consequences.. (depends on how you handle the 'truth' you know).
Have a special day
If we know God created the human brain (most complex assembly of matter in the universe - Hawking) and the bible is accepted as being in some way inspired by God (primary source with facts known only to God at the time of writing).. the only conclusion to be drawn is its difficulties are deliberate and purposeful and given who we are.. perhaps of necessity. Those confronting difficulties challenge all who will read it.. if you are seriously trying to understand the infinite God.. I suggest you pause and listen for "the voice of silence" (1 Kings 19:11,12).
So do we have free will?
In order to explore this question we must examine 'frames of reference'.. ie from what position are you observing events. All position and motion information in the universe is observed RELATIVE.. to the frame of reference of the observer. Frames of reference fall into two categories, simple or complex.. the latter are themselves rotating or accelerating.. they introduce 'fictitious' forces to be accounted for in the observations. The simplest are called 'inertial' frames of reference and they all relate to one another in a simple way.. and Newtons Laws work as written.
The conflict is captured in a single verse from the bible..
Mat 26:24 "The son of man will go as it is written" - PREDICTED..
"but woe to the man who betrays him" - HUMAN RESPONSIBILITY..?
Could Judas have changed his mind.?
The two views are from two entirely different frames of reference.. Do we have free will, YES.. (in our frame) Is there a plan, YES.. (in Gods frame). Can we change the plan.. MAYBE.. (Abraham and Hezekiah did). We cannot see the universe from God's frame of reference.. (unless God reveals it).. while we are free to choose.. there are consequences.. (depends on how you handle the 'truth' you know).
Have a special day
7.3 The Trouble with God
Now we come to the problem of 'evil'.. More to come later but here we must deal with God's culpability! Is God responsible for evil? The short answer has to be yes..! since God is responsible for everything.. but there are some qualifiers. Lets start with what is evil?
Pain, you may know is a vital part of our body's neural response to stimuli. It will save your life but it hurts.. as such it may be considered good.. even a gift. If however you are being bound and tortured.. thats not just bad.. its evil. Note the corruption or misuse of something good. Hell is described in vivid terms as a place of 'eternal torture'.. did God make it.. yes.. is that a confronting thought for anyone who believes in the 'love of God'.. very! So what's going on?
The full picture on that is not going to make much sense until we get closer to the identity of God himself. For now its back to the difference between our view and Gods view.. (frame of reference). The most significant point here is our 'childish' ignorance.. we have a very superficial view of evil.. compared to God. I would say one major purpose of the bible is to inform us of this difference. We have an innate sense of justice.. just look at a few kids playing together.. we are very quick to defend ourselves and assert our rights. Stop right there..
God didn't just invent truth and justice.. doesn't just know all truth and justice.. he is truth and justice! This fact has a corollary.. you don't fight, argue, oppose or question God and win! The best you can hope for is to be told where you are wrong.. (Job). That's why he calls those who do.. fools.
Ps 14:1 "The fool says in his heart 'there is no God'"
Rom 1:22 "Having become wise they became fools"
Surely all I have done is avoid the question by tossing quotes from the bible at it.. Well there is another corollary.. God is absolute.. corresponding to his scope 'infinite' and position 'outside' the universe.
Physical absolutes exist.. temperature has one.. velocity has one.. the proof that God exists is based on one.. Boltzman absolute entropy of information.. moral absolutes are indicated - (universal values), (bill of rights).. spiritual absolutes follow for God who created it all.. is by definition spirit.
I need a break
Pain, you may know is a vital part of our body's neural response to stimuli. It will save your life but it hurts.. as such it may be considered good.. even a gift. If however you are being bound and tortured.. thats not just bad.. its evil. Note the corruption or misuse of something good. Hell is described in vivid terms as a place of 'eternal torture'.. did God make it.. yes.. is that a confronting thought for anyone who believes in the 'love of God'.. very! So what's going on?
The full picture on that is not going to make much sense until we get closer to the identity of God himself. For now its back to the difference between our view and Gods view.. (frame of reference). The most significant point here is our 'childish' ignorance.. we have a very superficial view of evil.. compared to God. I would say one major purpose of the bible is to inform us of this difference. We have an innate sense of justice.. just look at a few kids playing together.. we are very quick to defend ourselves and assert our rights. Stop right there..
God didn't just invent truth and justice.. doesn't just know all truth and justice.. he is truth and justice! This fact has a corollary.. you don't fight, argue, oppose or question God and win! The best you can hope for is to be told where you are wrong.. (Job). That's why he calls those who do.. fools.
Ps 14:1 "The fool says in his heart 'there is no God'"
Rom 1:22 "Having become wise they became fools"
Surely all I have done is avoid the question by tossing quotes from the bible at it.. Well there is another corollary.. God is absolute.. corresponding to his scope 'infinite' and position 'outside' the universe.
Physical absolutes exist.. temperature has one.. velocity has one.. the proof that God exists is based on one.. Boltzman absolute entropy of information.. moral absolutes are indicated - (universal values), (bill of rights).. spiritual absolutes follow for God who created it all.. is by definition spirit.
I need a break
7.4 The Trouble with God
What we call 'evil' happens because its deep within.. remember.. in the garden.. yes Eden! Eve ate of the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. It doesn't matter whether or not you believe the story.. the result is clearly with us. We all have this knowledge and.. we use it.
Death is described as "the last enemy".. the last 'evil' if you like. We (and most animal life) are programmed to die. Our neural cells don't replace at all while other cells replicate according to a 'countdown' of telomeres.. a fixed number given during formation from the embryonic stage. Such a mechanism cannot evolve in a system motivated by survival! Its determined!
With sober reflexion you may admit.. a lifetime for anyone is about all the rest of us can stand! That God views death considerably different to us.. not so terminally.. he not only determined that we should die.. but when (firstly 120 yrs later revised down to 70 to 80 yrs) he also instituted the death penalty for certain crimes. Adam was warned of this penalty before eating the forbidden fruit.. and despite hanging laws.. people still committed murder.
If death is not terminal.. then death was both.. the kindest gift God could give, given our 'state'.. and the damnedest thing if the record of our evils go with us! Only God could solve this one.. and given that he did.. the ball is back in our court!
Absolute justice cannot plan evil.. we do that.. but justice demands payment which may look or feel evil! Were still building goals (jails). Finally the occurrence of an evil act may be a necessary part of the plan.. (solution above). God knows.. someone will do it! Given who God is.. he could actually use that evil for a his purpose. In which case all who do evil.. will end up working for God! All this is unique to the bible.. someone will say that's not science..
Why not.. only 'secular materialistic' science limits us to general 'material' truth.. this is about deep truth.. which we all have to deal with daily.. the observations are real.. 9/11 was and could only be described as 'evil'.
Have a beautiful day
Death is described as "the last enemy".. the last 'evil' if you like. We (and most animal life) are programmed to die. Our neural cells don't replace at all while other cells replicate according to a 'countdown' of telomeres.. a fixed number given during formation from the embryonic stage. Such a mechanism cannot evolve in a system motivated by survival! Its determined!
With sober reflexion you may admit.. a lifetime for anyone is about all the rest of us can stand! That God views death considerably different to us.. not so terminally.. he not only determined that we should die.. but when (firstly 120 yrs later revised down to 70 to 80 yrs) he also instituted the death penalty for certain crimes. Adam was warned of this penalty before eating the forbidden fruit.. and despite hanging laws.. people still committed murder.
If death is not terminal.. then death was both.. the kindest gift God could give, given our 'state'.. and the damnedest thing if the record of our evils go with us! Only God could solve this one.. and given that he did.. the ball is back in our court!
Absolute justice cannot plan evil.. we do that.. but justice demands payment which may look or feel evil! Were still building goals (jails). Finally the occurrence of an evil act may be a necessary part of the plan.. (solution above). God knows.. someone will do it! Given who God is.. he could actually use that evil for a his purpose. In which case all who do evil.. will end up working for God! All this is unique to the bible.. someone will say that's not science..
Why not.. only 'secular materialistic' science limits us to general 'material' truth.. this is about deep truth.. which we all have to deal with daily.. the observations are real.. 9/11 was and could only be described as 'evil'.
Have a beautiful day
7.5 The Trouble with God
I apologize for the cryptic, serious nature of all this.. I think I am talking to myself when I was 20 and had all these questions.. (while battling to stay clear of religious extremists). I was pleased to discover that Jesus.. the God-Man who changed history was not very 'religious' either. He blasted religious hypocrisy, separated culture and tradition from truth and showed what Jewish Law really meant. So I didn't need to wear a cassock! Then in 1999 our eldest daughter joined just such an extreme religious cult while traveling in E Germany.. that was hell.. I quit work.. (oh for a flux capacitor and a Delorian)! I could have killed that guy.. really!
I hope by now there isn't anyone here who 'shouldn't' be here.. knowledge brings accountability.. if you get seriously into this you just might have to go through your own hell. Approaching God is very risky.. even dangerous.. and it will cost you.. everything.
So far we have a real God who actually created the whole universe.. he is infinite.. non material.. outside time and space.. and absolute in truth and justice.. implying accountability. Don't fight that.. you will lose. If your having difficulty but want to proceed.. a simple rule.. RESPECT your concept of God.. (who you would like God to be).. READ the bible and listen.. (some HUMILITY required).. its not what you read.. but what you hear!
Solomon said.. "After all this, there is only one thing to say; Have reverence for God and obey his commands, because this is all that man was created for." (Eccl 12:13). The highly motivated leader and apostle, Paul of Tarsus said.. "aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands" 1 Thess 4:11. My advice.. talk to God about getting closer than this..
So now remains.. his silence.. why?
The one word sermon is HOLINESS.. which no one understands, so I need a substitute.. POWER.. close enough.
He lives in a 10^10,000 MeV plasma ark.. analogous to "dwells in unapproachable light".. thats <physically - morally - spiritually>. He doesn't plan to hurt.. but its no place for an Indiana Jones. Must move on.
Be at peace today
I hope by now there isn't anyone here who 'shouldn't' be here.. knowledge brings accountability.. if you get seriously into this you just might have to go through your own hell. Approaching God is very risky.. even dangerous.. and it will cost you.. everything.
So far we have a real God who actually created the whole universe.. he is infinite.. non material.. outside time and space.. and absolute in truth and justice.. implying accountability. Don't fight that.. you will lose. If your having difficulty but want to proceed.. a simple rule.. RESPECT your concept of God.. (who you would like God to be).. READ the bible and listen.. (some HUMILITY required).. its not what you read.. but what you hear!
Solomon said.. "After all this, there is only one thing to say; Have reverence for God and obey his commands, because this is all that man was created for." (Eccl 12:13). The highly motivated leader and apostle, Paul of Tarsus said.. "aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands" 1 Thess 4:11. My advice.. talk to God about getting closer than this..
So now remains.. his silence.. why?
The one word sermon is HOLINESS.. which no one understands, so I need a substitute.. POWER.. close enough.
He lives in a 10^10,000 MeV plasma ark.. analogous to "dwells in unapproachable light".. thats <physically - morally - spiritually>. He doesn't plan to hurt.. but its no place for an Indiana Jones. Must move on.
Be at peace today
7.6 The Trouble with God
The fact is you are going to have 'trouble with God' whoever you are and whatever your point of view. I would suggest it is precisely because he is real and actually does interact with us all, in some way at some level and often, that we have a problem. My answer.. turn it into a solution.. have a serious talk with the guy.. read his book.
A couple of times I have 'demanded' something from 'almighty' God.. once it was my kids lost cat.. after her sister died we move across town.. Bindy was waiting when I went back. More recently I demanded (public prayer) some fine weather for a kids event we had put heaps of work into and the forecast was rain. The weather was perfect.. cloud but no rain.. an hour later dropping off sound gear.. I got soaked in a huge downpour.. laugh.. yes I got it. You don't have to get any of this.. your life is your journey.. I am hopefully connecting a few dots for you.
Concerning our 'inner' evil.. its like this..
Eccl 8:11 "Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil"
The claim of JUST means God MUST punish evil.. our law reflects that.
The rape and murder of the Indian girl on a bus.. caused a nationwide outcry against their legal system's failure to sentence speedily. They took years with little prospect of justice.. leading to a sub-culture of 'its ok'! This is a 2012 example of the TRUTH of Solomon's words..
Heb 12:10 "Our human fathers punished us for a short time, as it seemed right to them; but God does it for our own good.."
I can tell you this.. he does it.. but you will not 'get it'.. if you don't know who he is.. and you'll never understand whats going on.. like John Cleese waving his umbrella at the God he doesn't believe in.
Have a great day
A couple of times I have 'demanded' something from 'almighty' God.. once it was my kids lost cat.. after her sister died we move across town.. Bindy was waiting when I went back. More recently I demanded (public prayer) some fine weather for a kids event we had put heaps of work into and the forecast was rain. The weather was perfect.. cloud but no rain.. an hour later dropping off sound gear.. I got soaked in a huge downpour.. laugh.. yes I got it. You don't have to get any of this.. your life is your journey.. I am hopefully connecting a few dots for you.
Concerning our 'inner' evil.. its like this..
Eccl 8:11 "Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil"
The claim of JUST means God MUST punish evil.. our law reflects that.
The rape and murder of the Indian girl on a bus.. caused a nationwide outcry against their legal system's failure to sentence speedily. They took years with little prospect of justice.. leading to a sub-culture of 'its ok'! This is a 2012 example of the TRUTH of Solomon's words..
Heb 12:10 "Our human fathers punished us for a short time, as it seemed right to them; but God does it for our own good.."
I can tell you this.. he does it.. but you will not 'get it'.. if you don't know who he is.. and you'll never understand whats going on.. like John Cleese waving his umbrella at the God he doesn't believe in.
Have a great day
8.0 The Real God Delusion
Some have described the bible as hologramatic.. any piece contains the whole.. cut a piece out and you loose resolution not information. Helps if you consider the purpose of it is for you to HEAR the author SPEAK.. and that it really has only one message..
The one word sermon is REDEMPTION.. specifically YOUR redemption.
Its like this.. Having borrowed the car.. we bent it and caused some damage.. its going to cost.. somebody.
Talking to anybody anytime implies TIMELESS.. The author is always talking to the LISTENER in the NOW.. (I mean actual subject matter).. it goes with the bible's LIVING quality. (Ref Heb 4:12)
I would say the bible is like a real Tardis.. the interaction is between you and an infinite mind.. so hang on! The timeless quality is a corollary of the fact that God is outside of time (time only came into existence with the mass of the universe.. which he created).. meaning God knows the future.. (we cannot see or understand things from that frame of reference.. a deep truth). Now to the present subject..
The bible is a LOCKED BOOK.. even though the encryption is stegonagraphic (clearly readable).. you won't 'get in' without the KEY.. and since you have come this far I'll tell you what it is.. SINCERE FAITH.. (Ref: Dan 12:9-13, Jn 7:17, Jn 4:24) Its deliberate and has to be so. You must understand some people will be EXCLUDED.. saddest words in the bible Mat 7:13,14.
Just as there is a key to knowing and understanding God from the bible.. there is a prerequisite.. another key.. (to getting 'sincere faith'). It comes down to how you handle TRUTH.. Recall.. our concept of truth implies faith.
Without truth you only have belief.. you cannot have faith!
The question is: Do you LOVE the TRUTH.?
How much do you love it.? How far are you prepared to go.? Does that include truth about yourself you would rather not know.?
Enjoy the day
8.1 The Real God Delusion
Just yesterday 15 Feb 2013 God intervened in my life again.. like he OFTEN DOES.. we were putting up a steel shed.. my friend tired.. not thinking clearly, removed a brace to get some vertical alignment.. I saw it but, tired not thinking, didn't analyze it.. Right then (seconds) a storm broke and it pelted rain and hail.. we backed off took cover and then it collapsed right in front of us.. we could have been killed..! I KNOW it was God.. you can't see that and I can't prove it.. its my personal truth. I know it was God because it follows a pattern.. just like knowing an old friend. I don't have time or space to include more personal accounts.
That British physicist.. Prof Brain Cox.. on The Wonders of the Universe explained the second law from an old diamond mining town.. now ghost town in Africa. He talked about the town like a sandcastle.. totally out of reach of shifting sand. He went on to talk about the origin of matter from pure energy and galaxies and stardust the origin of us. The TRUTH he DIDN'T SAY was that GALAXIES ARE SANDCASTLES.. and equally out of reach of cosmic sand.. hydrogen! See 'The God Law'..
So what's the point.. think about it. If an INFINITE GOD wanted to set up a delusion.. it would have to qualify as the most thoroughly convincing delusion ever.. yes! It would be DESIGNED and have to be FAIR to innocents.. only catching those who CHOSE to REJECT the key point.. the fundamental premise of JUSTICE itself.. God himself!
And God has TOLD us about it.. (those who are listening anyway; Jesus - "he who has ears to hear.. let him hear"). Where..
2 Thess 2:9-12 "they perish because they refused to LOVE the TRUTH...
For THIS REASON God sends them a POWERFUL DELUSION so that they will believe the LIE".
Guess what lie..?
Have a special day
That British physicist.. Prof Brain Cox.. on The Wonders of the Universe explained the second law from an old diamond mining town.. now ghost town in Africa. He talked about the town like a sandcastle.. totally out of reach of shifting sand. He went on to talk about the origin of matter from pure energy and galaxies and stardust the origin of us. The TRUTH he DIDN'T SAY was that GALAXIES ARE SANDCASTLES.. and equally out of reach of cosmic sand.. hydrogen! See 'The God Law'..
So what's the point.. think about it. If an INFINITE GOD wanted to set up a delusion.. it would have to qualify as the most thoroughly convincing delusion ever.. yes! It would be DESIGNED and have to be FAIR to innocents.. only catching those who CHOSE to REJECT the key point.. the fundamental premise of JUSTICE itself.. God himself!
And God has TOLD us about it.. (those who are listening anyway; Jesus - "he who has ears to hear.. let him hear"). Where..
2 Thess 2:9-12 "they perish because they refused to LOVE the TRUTH...
For THIS REASON God sends them a POWERFUL DELUSION so that they will believe the LIE".
Guess what lie..?
Have a special day
8.2 The Real God Delusion
Lies come in two flavours.. commission and omission.. morally and legally they are equivalent. Ignorance of law.. (complex laws of physics like the Second Law of Thermodynamics notwithstanding) may avoid the moral judgement.. not the legal one. Nothing excuses those who do understand or could reasonably be expected to understand that law.
However the Second Law is in fact a law of COMMON SENSE.. all states of matter tend toward their most probable.. (things observably decay).. basis of statistical probability.. the bible is not subtle..
Rom 2:18-23 check the words..
"..godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth..
what may be known about God is plain to them..
God's invisible qualities.. have been clearly seen..
being understood from what has been made..
so that men are without excuse..
claiming to be wise they became fools"
Even R Dawkins calls bio-tech 'apparent design'.. because it passes the test for design.. (clearly understood before 1859). So if I am correct some very influential.. leading scientists are in fact 'suppressing the truth'.. the very same who boldly claim modern science to be 'godless'. The fact that some eminent scientists are theists is irrelevant.. they tend to hold this view personally and not professionally. Take a look at "Expelled" featuring Ben Stein.
So we make the following observation from the bible in 2 Thess 2 "GOD SENDS A POWERFUL DELUSION".. but then tells us all about it.. and the basis of being 'deluded'.. he is not the liar! WE ARE.. We are 'suppressing the truth'. Who gets caught? All who don't 'love the truth'.. (uncomfortable.. implied). This need only be a problem if you think you are God!
So the writer of 'The God Delusion' is the one deluded and you must choose.. NATURALISM or TRUTH.. can't have both.
Have a pleasant day
However the Second Law is in fact a law of COMMON SENSE.. all states of matter tend toward their most probable.. (things observably decay).. basis of statistical probability.. the bible is not subtle..
Rom 2:18-23 check the words..
"..godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth..
what may be known about God is plain to them..
God's invisible qualities.. have been clearly seen..
being understood from what has been made..
so that men are without excuse..
claiming to be wise they became fools"
Even R Dawkins calls bio-tech 'apparent design'.. because it passes the test for design.. (clearly understood before 1859). So if I am correct some very influential.. leading scientists are in fact 'suppressing the truth'.. the very same who boldly claim modern science to be 'godless'. The fact that some eminent scientists are theists is irrelevant.. they tend to hold this view personally and not professionally. Take a look at "Expelled" featuring Ben Stein.
So we make the following observation from the bible in 2 Thess 2 "GOD SENDS A POWERFUL DELUSION".. but then tells us all about it.. and the basis of being 'deluded'.. he is not the liar! WE ARE.. We are 'suppressing the truth'. Who gets caught? All who don't 'love the truth'.. (uncomfortable.. implied). This need only be a problem if you think you are God!
So the writer of 'The God Delusion' is the one deluded and you must choose.. NATURALISM or TRUTH.. can't have both.
Have a pleasant day
9.0 The Time is Now
Without knowledge of history we end up with a somewhat distorted view of our time. Someone said "to fail to learn the lessons of history condemns us to repeat the errors of the past". If you lived from 200 to 1400 AD as a scientist you would very likely have spent your time elaborating epicycles of the Ptolemaic, geocentric, model of the solar system. You would not question it.. it worked and for all you knew it was the truth. But no.. your entire professional life would have been lived.. inside a paradigm.
A paradigm exists when the majority cannot see out.. It seems modern secular science is.. ah.. like that. Nightmares bother you? Well your IN one.! Einstein's answer; everything is predetermined.. his "God does not play dice". He knew this universe cannot result from randomness.. (axiom of the Second Law). I alluded to a 'plan' earlier.. lets have a closer look.
In the history of the world the 20th century has to be the bloodiest. The bible is the only book which not only excels at prophecy but presents a whole story from beginning to end. Ok its not all verifiable.. significant bits are. So I went looking for NOW.. our time. The major empires of the ancient world are spoken of by Daniel but where's the British Empire, the holocaust and the rise of the USA? I was 'directed' to the following..
Revelation 5 Introduces a scroll with seven seals.. which must be opened.. why? what's on it? No one could open it except for the lamb that was slain.. "and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation". (purchased means redeemed).. a debt paid in blood! It's PEOPLE'S NAMES.. those redeemed.! Serious question.. Is YOUR NAME on it?
From the slaying of the lamb (Jesus) to the reading of the scroll is OUR time. The breaking of the seals are events in.. OUR time.
Next time
A paradigm exists when the majority cannot see out.. It seems modern secular science is.. ah.. like that. Nightmares bother you? Well your IN one.! Einstein's answer; everything is predetermined.. his "God does not play dice". He knew this universe cannot result from randomness.. (axiom of the Second Law). I alluded to a 'plan' earlier.. lets have a closer look.
In the history of the world the 20th century has to be the bloodiest. The bible is the only book which not only excels at prophecy but presents a whole story from beginning to end. Ok its not all verifiable.. significant bits are. So I went looking for NOW.. our time. The major empires of the ancient world are spoken of by Daniel but where's the British Empire, the holocaust and the rise of the USA? I was 'directed' to the following..
Revelation 5 Introduces a scroll with seven seals.. which must be opened.. why? what's on it? No one could open it except for the lamb that was slain.. "and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation". (purchased means redeemed).. a debt paid in blood! It's PEOPLE'S NAMES.. those redeemed.! Serious question.. Is YOUR NAME on it?
From the slaying of the lamb (Jesus) to the reading of the scroll is OUR time. The breaking of the seals are events in.. OUR time.
Next time
9.1 The Time is Now
You won't find this in any published theological work.. (not PC).
William the conquerer was the bastard son of a French Nobel.. and known as such. A bad Christian but a 'good' Churchman.. meaning.. he feared God not man. He was promised the Saxon throne. I stood on the battle field at Battle, Hastings and saw the Abby built by William in 1100 at the demand of the Pope.. his indulgence for the 3000 dead. The Abby was 'saved' by an American family and given to the National Trust. Now lets get observing..
1. William considered the Saxon crown his by DIVINE appointment
2. He rode a WHITE HORSE at the battle
3. He nearly lost.. to the awesome Saxon battle axe.. it COST dearly
4. One turning point in the battle.. Harold got an ARROW in the eye
5. After the battle William was known as the CONQUEROR.
Rev 6:1 "I watched as the lamb opened the first of the seven seals... I looked and there was a white horse. Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest."
The basis of 'royal' concerning the British monarch has always been divine appointment.. thats why she is head of the Church of England.
The white horse is the British Empire.. one of its influences in the world was to carry a message of redemption by the lamb of God (Jesus). Common Law, parliamentary government, public health and education followed to various degrees of success or failure.
Most significant is the whole structure put God at the top.. hence opening prayer in parliament, coronation in the cathedral etc.. definitely NOT Godless.
Sorry but the principle factor in the subjugation of non white people as 'primitive savages' was a direct result of the publication of Charles Darwin's 'Origin of Species'. The THEORY OF EVOLUTION.. was championed with religious fervor.. as the new 'truth'.. particularly in Britain.
Have a beautiful day
William the conquerer was the bastard son of a French Nobel.. and known as such. A bad Christian but a 'good' Churchman.. meaning.. he feared God not man. He was promised the Saxon throne. I stood on the battle field at Battle, Hastings and saw the Abby built by William in 1100 at the demand of the Pope.. his indulgence for the 3000 dead. The Abby was 'saved' by an American family and given to the National Trust. Now lets get observing..
1. William considered the Saxon crown his by DIVINE appointment
2. He rode a WHITE HORSE at the battle
3. He nearly lost.. to the awesome Saxon battle axe.. it COST dearly
4. One turning point in the battle.. Harold got an ARROW in the eye
5. After the battle William was known as the CONQUEROR.
Rev 6:1 "I watched as the lamb opened the first of the seven seals... I looked and there was a white horse. Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest."
The basis of 'royal' concerning the British monarch has always been divine appointment.. thats why she is head of the Church of England.
The white horse is the British Empire.. one of its influences in the world was to carry a message of redemption by the lamb of God (Jesus). Common Law, parliamentary government, public health and education followed to various degrees of success or failure.
Most significant is the whole structure put God at the top.. hence opening prayer in parliament, coronation in the cathedral etc.. definitely NOT Godless.
Sorry but the principle factor in the subjugation of non white people as 'primitive savages' was a direct result of the publication of Charles Darwin's 'Origin of Species'. The THEORY OF EVOLUTION.. was championed with religious fervor.. as the new 'truth'.. particularly in Britain.
Have a beautiful day
9.2 The Time is Now
Rev 6:3 "Then the Lamb broke open the second seal; and I heard the second living creature say, "Come!" Another horse came out, a RED one. Its rider was given the power to bring war on the earth, so that men should kill each other. He was given a large sword."
When I did my degree one of my aerodynamics lecturers had worked on the design of the ME 109. When I started work one of my foreman was a Stuka pilot in WW2. He said to me "It was all about killing!". I don't need to remind you the most bloody wars in history brought the demise of the British Empire.. thank God for the Americans! Europeans are not still goos-stepping around crying hail before a black twisted cross! A 'dark matter' indeed!
Its obvious.. the Red horse is the bloody 20th century.
Rev 6:5 "When the Lamb opened the third seal.. I looked and there before me was a BLACK horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. Then I heard a voice among the living creatures saying "A quart of wheat for a day's wages and three quarts of barley for a day's wages.." ..global economy?
The British halted the Nazi's at the channel, the Russians at Stalingrad, the Aussies, the Japs at Kokoda and the US did it at Midway. After WW2 the global currency changed from British pounds to US Dollars.. It took the mighty US economy to overcome both and 'save the world'..
The Black horse is the US economy..
Each horse replaces its predecessor.. the US doesn't appear strong in the end..
There is food and water enough for everyone in the world.. but about half is wasted and the rest will be either unavailable or un-affordable to those who are going to die.. in this consumer driven, growth obsessed civilization. I don't want to talk about the fourth horse.. its PALE and the rider is DEATH.. Rev 6:7.. and its time is about NOW!
I hope I'm wrong.. I hope you are ok. You can change the outcome for yourself.. but the overall plan is the default.. (predictable by God alone) outcome of our collective evil.. and that won't change.
Lam 3:22-23
When I did my degree one of my aerodynamics lecturers had worked on the design of the ME 109. When I started work one of my foreman was a Stuka pilot in WW2. He said to me "It was all about killing!". I don't need to remind you the most bloody wars in history brought the demise of the British Empire.. thank God for the Americans! Europeans are not still goos-stepping around crying hail before a black twisted cross! A 'dark matter' indeed!
Its obvious.. the Red horse is the bloody 20th century.
Rev 6:5 "When the Lamb opened the third seal.. I looked and there before me was a BLACK horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. Then I heard a voice among the living creatures saying "A quart of wheat for a day's wages and three quarts of barley for a day's wages.." ..global economy?
The British halted the Nazi's at the channel, the Russians at Stalingrad, the Aussies, the Japs at Kokoda and the US did it at Midway. After WW2 the global currency changed from British pounds to US Dollars.. It took the mighty US economy to overcome both and 'save the world'..
The Black horse is the US economy..
Each horse replaces its predecessor.. the US doesn't appear strong in the end..
There is food and water enough for everyone in the world.. but about half is wasted and the rest will be either unavailable or un-affordable to those who are going to die.. in this consumer driven, growth obsessed civilization. I don't want to talk about the fourth horse.. its PALE and the rider is DEATH.. Rev 6:7.. and its time is about NOW!
I hope I'm wrong.. I hope you are ok. You can change the outcome for yourself.. but the overall plan is the default.. (predictable by God alone) outcome of our collective evil.. and that won't change.
Lam 3:22-23
10 Now you know
Its said "Truth is the first casualty of war".. I have been sorely attacked whilst writing this blog.. If you know anything about life.. you will know.. as well as physical wars.. there are moral wars and spiritual wars. Actually there is only ONE WAR manifesting itself in all the realms and times in which we live. Revelation speaks of a Dragon.. a Beast.. a False Prophet and an Anti-Christ. They are real and we encounter them.. NOW! The war is not good versus evil.. its GOD versus the DEVIL.. these are MINDS not abstract concepts. The only thing you have to do is figure out which side your on! (the devil looses).
This brief overview was based on the 'revelation'.. of a huge lie pressed on everyone by a bunch of theophobics who have hijacked modern science. I can't change that.. but they'll end up working for God! History will be His-Story.
Mosses encountered God in a burning bush.. and asked "What is your name?" EX 3:13 God said "I am who I am. You must tell them: 'The one who is called I AM has sent you'.. This is my name forever". Two other persons in the bible claimed to be I AM.. Jesus (Mk 14:62) and the Devil (Is 14:14). Jesus also said "I am the truth".. and of the Devil "he is a liar and the FATHER of ALL LIES".
I AM is both the ultimate TRUTH and the ultimate LIE.. you see it depends on WHO is saying it. If you follow a lie.. it connects to all other lies and takes you to a destination. the same goes for the truth.. follow it and you will be taken to a destination.. one a high mountain the other a dark abyss.
Our identity is largely known by our Name, Family, What we Do and Where we live.. God has revealed all of these.. and I have covered them all.. except one.
The family of God.. Father, Son and Spirit.. but God is ONE (Deut 6) that's a deep truth, a mystery.. We need a real identity.. a person you can know and understand.. a simple person who's words and story is well documented. But 'Jesus is God' does not adequately express it..
... GOD is JESUS ...
2 Cor 5:16-21 "...God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself"
His family was incomplete.. he has invited YOU in.. that's why Jesus said "you must be born again".. ie into His family.. its the measure of your importance that he came to do it in person!
Don't bother yourself about claims you need a special revelation.. or experience.. you don't. You are your own person on your own journey.. God will talk to you.. just listen and you will have your own God moment.
Please consider and have a great day.
This brief overview was based on the 'revelation'.. of a huge lie pressed on everyone by a bunch of theophobics who have hijacked modern science. I can't change that.. but they'll end up working for God! History will be His-Story.
Mosses encountered God in a burning bush.. and asked "What is your name?" EX 3:13 God said "I am who I am. You must tell them: 'The one who is called I AM has sent you'.. This is my name forever". Two other persons in the bible claimed to be I AM.. Jesus (Mk 14:62) and the Devil (Is 14:14). Jesus also said "I am the truth".. and of the Devil "he is a liar and the FATHER of ALL LIES".
I AM is both the ultimate TRUTH and the ultimate LIE.. you see it depends on WHO is saying it. If you follow a lie.. it connects to all other lies and takes you to a destination. the same goes for the truth.. follow it and you will be taken to a destination.. one a high mountain the other a dark abyss.
Our identity is largely known by our Name, Family, What we Do and Where we live.. God has revealed all of these.. and I have covered them all.. except one.
The family of God.. Father, Son and Spirit.. but God is ONE (Deut 6) that's a deep truth, a mystery.. We need a real identity.. a person you can know and understand.. a simple person who's words and story is well documented. But 'Jesus is God' does not adequately express it..
... GOD is JESUS ...
2 Cor 5:16-21 "...God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself"
His family was incomplete.. he has invited YOU in.. that's why Jesus said "you must be born again".. ie into His family.. its the measure of your importance that he came to do it in person!
Don't bother yourself about claims you need a special revelation.. or experience.. you don't. You are your own person on your own journey.. God will talk to you.. just listen and you will have your own God moment.
Please consider and have a great day.
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