Tuesday, August 2, 2011

5.5 Truth and Reality

The point about an 'ultimate truth' depends very much on a persons sense of reality and what to them constitutes 'truth'. Leaving absolute truth I have described three broad classes of truth which I hope by simple observation you will appreciate do exist.

Your reality is how you perceive the universe around you and interpret your experience of it. You are a self conscious identity who also presents an identity to all around you. Human beings have three 'realms' of existence in which we have an identity or presence. The physical, the moral (your values) and the spiritual (not easily defined) and these reflect the three classes of truth because your concept of reality is directly implied by your concept of truth. So we have..

GENERAL Truth        <- - - - - - - - - ->     PHYSICAL

PERSONAL Truth      <- - - - - - - - - ->     MORAL

DEEP Truth                <- - - - - - - - - ->     SPIRITUAL

We are all familiar with the first, less so the second and the third would have to range from imperceptible to overwhelming depending upon who you are. These are not rigid equals signs but general indicators of where our experience of truth generally engages with us. I am saying you have a physical identity, a moral identity and a spiritual identity which are essential to your understanding of truth and thus your concept of reality.

Now to my second hypothesis.. hinging upon the above and the obvious, if something is true then a lot of other things are not true. Some of those other things are also lies. I mean deliberately contrived alternatives to truth with the purpose to deceive. Moral failings are a reality.. and like truth..


There is an ULTIMATE LIE..  next time

Do have a very special day

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