Without knowledge of history we end up with a somewhat distorted view of our time. Someone said "to fail to learn the lessons of history condemns us to repeat the errors of the past". If you lived from 200 to 1400 AD as a scientist you would very likely have spent your time elaborating epicycles of the Ptolemaic, geocentric, model of the solar system. You would not question it.. it worked and for all you knew it was the truth. But no.. your entire professional life would have been lived.. inside a paradigm.
A paradigm exists when the majority cannot see out.. It seems modern secular science is.. ah.. like that. Nightmares bother you? Well your IN one.! Einstein's answer; everything is predetermined.. his "God does not play dice". He knew this universe cannot result from randomness.. (axiom of the Second Law). I alluded to a 'plan' earlier.. lets have a closer look.
In the history of the world the 20th century has to be the bloodiest. The bible is the only book which not only excels at prophecy but presents a whole story from beginning to end. Ok its not all verifiable.. significant bits are. So I went looking for NOW.. our time. The major empires of the ancient world are spoken of by Daniel but where's the British Empire, the holocaust and the rise of the USA? I was 'directed' to the following..
Revelation 5 Introduces a scroll with seven seals.. which must be opened.. why? what's on it? No one could open it except for the lamb that was slain.. "and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation". (purchased means redeemed).. a debt paid in blood! It's PEOPLE'S NAMES.. those redeemed.! Serious question.. Is YOUR NAME on it?
From the slaying of the lamb (Jesus) to the reading of the scroll is OUR time. The breaking of the seals are events in.. OUR time.
Next time
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