Tuesday, August 2, 2011

8.0 The Real God Delusion

Some have described the bible as hologramatic.. any piece contains the whole.. cut a piece out and you loose resolution not information. Helps if you consider the purpose of it is for you to HEAR the author SPEAK.. and that it really has only one message..

The one word sermon is REDEMPTION.. specifically YOUR redemption.

Its like this.. Having borrowed the car.. we bent it and caused some damage.. its going to cost.. somebody.

Talking to anybody anytime implies TIMELESS.. The author is always talking to the LISTENER in the NOW.. (I mean actual subject matter).. it goes with the bible's LIVING quality. (Ref Heb 4:12)

I would say the bible is like a real Tardis.. the interaction is between you and an infinite mind.. so hang on! The timeless quality is a corollary of the fact that God is outside of time (time only came into existence with the mass of the universe.. which he created).. meaning God knows the future.. (we cannot see or understand things from that frame of reference.. a deep truth). Now to the present subject..

The bible is a LOCKED BOOK.. even though the encryption is stegonagraphic (clearly readable).. you won't 'get in' without the KEY.. and since you have come this far I'll tell you what it is.. SINCERE FAITH.. (Ref: Dan 12:9-13, Jn 7:17, Jn 4:24) Its deliberate and has to be so. You must understand some people will be EXCLUDED.. saddest words in the bible Mat 7:13,14.

Just as there is a key to knowing and understanding God from the bible.. there is a prerequisite.. another key.. (to getting 'sincere faith'). It comes down to how you handle TRUTH.. Recall.. our concept of truth implies faith.

Without truth you only have belief.. you cannot have faith!

The question is: Do you LOVE the TRUTH.?

How much do you love it.? How far are you prepared to go.? Does that include truth about yourself you would rather not know.?

Enjoy the day

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