Tuesday, August 2, 2011

2.0 Why Now

The question “Who is God” may only be asked if you know God actually exists.. ie you have a verifiable means of concluding that. Well that was the whole purpose of “The God Law”.. apart from some technical appendices I will be adding, the 'proof' is complete.. Design without a Designer is falsified and we have a Designer. The naturalists have had 150 years or more to keep God out of science behind an ever growing mountain of publications, papers, books and articles and freedom in the media. It seemed only natural, after the political idea of the separation of church and state (as late as JFK), why not in science? It works well for most science, only the very remotest edges of scientific enquiry suggest the slightest possibility of the supernatural, (like what caused the Big Bang Singularity), and even these can apparently be theorised without the need for the supernatural. So what's the point? It will surely just create an unnecessary metaphysical mess! Well I very much respect all those in science who under the 'secular assumption' have and continue to pursue 'truth', for that is the purpose of science.. think about it. Alas for a certain significant group that is no longer the case, and has not been since about the time of the discovery of the structure of the DNA molecule in 1953. That is a most unfortunate and decidedly bad outcome for science, but more so for you if you have been caught up with it. Well the time for the rule of secular naturalism in science and Western education is over. A proof is like a death.. and just like the end of phlogiston, force at a distance, spontaneous generation and the geocentric solar system, so it will be for evolution by natural selection, its time has come!

Now create means more than just make. You can make an existing design but you create something new by writing a new specification. That is precisely what evolution cannot do. However before manufacturing a design important decisions have to be made.. What materials are needed and from what source? What tools or machines are required? How many to make? Where? What quality standard? We do that in a planning process. Only then can the manufacturing process begin. Why am I going on about all that? Simple.. DNA carries all the instructions for doing the same for the design, planning and manufacture of life.. all technology works like this be it human technology or biotechnology.

If as asserted the DNA molecule was designed.. it follows that the designer not only knows about technology but must be capable of implementing it. So for each DNA 'family' so designed (eg cats, horses).. the designer must also have physically created the initial, mutation free pair. The mystery of the origin of life is no longer a total mystery.

Basis of all technology:

           PURPOSE  ->  DESIGN –> PLAN -> MAKE = CREATE (QED)

Have a nice day


  1. "Design without a Designer is falsified and we have a Designer"

    Your entire thesis fails on this. There is no design, hence no need for a designer.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
